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What will you need?
eGlassClaim is a web-based application for glass repair shops that makes filing glass claims more convenient. Using eGlassClaim, participating glass repair shops can link in to Manitoba Public Insurance’s systems and register claims for you.
When you contact Advance Autobody regarding your claim, we will take care of registering the claim, confirming your coverage and scheduling your appointment. By calling or stopping in you get to skip the step of contacting MPI.
What is an eGlassClaim?
Through the years automobile manufacturers have begun to design windshields as a major part of the support given to the roof of a vehicle. Air bags also make the windshield's strength important. When an air bag deploys it opens at an incredible 150 to 200 miles and hour. This energy must be absorbed by the windshield. In order for you and your passengers to remain safe the integrity of the windshield must be maintained so it can handle the stress of air bags opening.
Glass Repair & Replacement
Use of the proper glass is important, but the techniques and other materials used in glass replacement can make-or break an installation .
We follow specific steps replacing glass.
We will NOT sacrifice safety for speed when installing a new windshield!